Micro Dermals
Microdermal piercings (not to be confused with 'skin divers') first became mainstream in the early 2010s, and have consistently grown in popularity ever since. Consisting of a flat plate which sits under the skin and a screw-on top which sits on the skin's surface, a microdermal is a single-point piercing which can be placed on any flat surface on the body (for example chest, wrist, back). The plate itself cannot be changed and will remain anchored under the skin until it either migrates out of place or is removed by a professional piercer, but the top can be changed as many times as you like. Any 1.6mm internally threaded attachment is suitable for industry standard microdermal bases, and here at Paradox we have a huge selection to choose from; choose from sparkling gems in various sizes, polished plates, or funky shapes to customise your microdermal/s however you want!