Festive greetings ladies and gents.
It’s that time of year again when many if not all of you will be partying or stressed by the pressures of the impending Christmas celebrations and expenses. Please take some time to care for your piercings.
So let me take a minute to offer you some piercing advice. No doubt as you over drink etc, sleep less or generally worry your body will suffer as will your immune system, and as a result I have a lot more of you coming in to see us with problematic piercing related queries.
Piercings old and new may flare up or be tender or sore, this is what I personally call a weak point on your body and is not uncommon. Now I can’t encourage you to do any more or less drinking, stressing or more sleeping and hydrating. What I can advise is be aware of your body and your piercings. So my tips are as follows:
1. Bathe the piercing as you would have when it was pierced (call or check our website)
2. Perhaps get some Multi Vitamins if they contain Zinc, vitamin c and or Iron then even better.
3. Make sure your jewellery is sufficient in quality or size.
4. Unless it is a definite oozing painful infection don’t go running to the doctors for antibiotics.
(Most cases do NOT require them)
5. Try an early night with a nice big glass of OJ or fresh water.
6. Remember Christmas time is all about love and not how much you can drink or spend and it’ll all be over in a couple of weeks!!
If you have forgotten the instructions for the basic salt solution here’s a link to our blog post.
Blog post written by Aaron Jamie, one of our professional and established piercers from Metal Fatigue.